
Her·o·ine (noun \ˈher-ə-wən, ˈhir-, ˈhe-rə-\) - 1:a. A mythological or legendary woman having the qualities of a hero. b. A woman admired and emulated for her achievements and qualities.


While thinking about a topic for this blog, I tried to think of something I could get passionate about, or rather, something about which I'm already passionate.

As a self-proclaimed comic book nerd, it wasn't hard to figure out that I would be writing about comics, but I wanted my blog to be a little different in that it focuses mainly on the character, with the comic book as a secondary lens of inspection. Those characters will be super heroines.

Women are important, obviously. But just as our culture has a tendency to devalue women, so does the comic book industry. And because most comic book writers are men, it's not so surprising that women receive the brunt of all their creative sadism.

What exactly do you think
is going to happen to her?
I hope to reveal through this blog the serious crimes committed against women and the messages they teach. And with a reader's market composed mostly of young men, I think you'll agree that misogyny is not the best approach to teaching future generations about equality.

I think it will become obvious to the readers pretty early that the abuse of women on the page is a growing trend. And many people (as well as academics, doctors, sociologists, and myself) are suggesting that this trend has a direct correlation with the abuse of women in real life.

As for the readers: You can make your own conclusions, but for all you skeptics out there, here's a link to a list that was originally created by comic book writer Gail Simone. (Birds of Prey, Secret Six, Wonder Woman, etc.) I think it will give you some background information on what we're up against.

Women in Refrigerators